Saturday, March 27, 2010

Roy is 3!

Roy turned 3 March 20th and I can't believe it! He has been talking so much in the past few months that he didn't really seem 2 any more... I had to remind myself of that often. But now that's he's actually 3 I'm a bit in shock. I even cried the 19th because it was his last day ever of being 2... I can't imagine when he turns 10, 16, 18, 21... I think I'll need some counseling :o)

Anyhow on to his party - we were supposed to have his Green Bay Packer party (aka Green
Go Packer party as Roy calls it) at a city park where the play equipment was going to be the main entertainment. The weather at the beginning of the week was looking good - mid 70s however, Waco turned into a temporary frozen tundra Saturday where the high was in the mid 40s and the chance for rain was 90% So inevitably the party was moved indoors to the backside of our church UBC. We had 16 kids and limited entertainment. Thankfully a few balloons, some coloring sheets, orange cones, and a few footballs was all they needed to keep occupied. Roy had an awesome time, one great thing about being 3 is that he knew it was his special day and he really, really enjoyed it. When it was time to light the candles on his cake he said "And then everyone will sing Happy Birthday to me!?" Following the party we went to Peter Piper Pizza for lunch, and then home so he and his cousin Jack could play with all his toys. He didn't even take a nap, he just played, played, played! Here are some pics of his day of glory :o)

The Green-Go Packer cake and the party favors for the guests

The birthday boy!

Enjoying a cupcake

Some of his fabulous friends eating their cake

Opening presents... this was his favorite part :o)

We were all dressed for the occasion!

A ride on a carousel at Peter Piper Pizza

Lovin on his sister and cousin... maybe a bit too much lovin!

Opening his presents from Mom and Dad... this is his Mack truck where he stores all his cars

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Dentist!

Roy went to the dentist for the first time on the 16th. In anticipation for this event I had been talking with him about the dentist for a couple of months. It was not uncommon to hear Roy saying "The dentist is going to be so proud of me!" while brushing his teeth. And when asked what the dentist was going to do he could tell you "Count my teeth." He even asked if I thought they might have stickers so he was really thinking this all through.

The tricky part is when the rubber meets the road... I can talk about the dentist all I want but I was unsure how he was really going to react. We had to run a few errands that morning one that included him eating an entire package of pez candy! (Not what you want for your child on dentist day.) By the time we needed to go to the dentist he decided he'd rather go home and eat some lunch... until he saw the play area in the waiting room. We went to Kool Smiles pediatric dentistry and in their waiting room they have a mini McDonald's play area with a few steps and a slide. His fears were cured on sight!

Eventually they called us back and he was fabulous, we went with Roy's good friend Oliver who's about 7.5 months younger than Roy so I was glad he was setting a good example. He hopped right up in the chair, opened his mouth like a champ and never said a word. The hygienist brushed his teeth, put on some fluoride and told us to wait for the dentist. When the dentist came Roy said hi and opened his mouth again right away. I couldn't have imagined it going any better. And for the icing on the cake as we walked out past a few hygienists he exclaimed "I like going to the dentist!" I was so proud!

Sitting in the chair for the first time!

Getting his teeth brushed

While waiting for the dentist Lilli joined him in the chair for a couple minutes.

The view of the room we were in and the dentist checking his teeth for cavities.

He sat just like this the entire time... with the cool dude shades of course!

He chose a koosh ball duck as his prize - he calls it his sunshine duck :o)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day I try to make it special for my kiddos the whole day through. This year it was a bit trickier as it was on a Sunday and Josh had to go in for church early that morning. Our Valentine's Day starts with heart shaped pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, however, this year mom dropped the ball and forgot the strawberries so we just had syrup. Then Roy boy wasn't feeling very well so there were many meltdowns sprinkled through the morning and he fell asleep in my lap during church - that never happens! Since it was Sunday the only clinic wasn't open until 1:00 for me to take him in to get checked out. After waiting for 3 hours to see a doctor, and another short nap in my lap he was diagnosed with a double ear infection... neither of my kids had ever had ear infections and Lilli happened to be on meds for a double ear infection too! So at 5:00 when we finally got home from the Dr. I gave the kids their presents. I had made them matching aprons and was planning on making cookies with them so we got out some dough and made a few, thank goodness I had bought pre-made dough or I don't think we could have accomplished it. For dinner we had crab legs, salad, and rolls - it was delicious and then it was time for baths and bed - it was a chaotic day that didn't quite go as planned but I think we all still felt the love :o)

Making Cookies

Roy rolling out the dough

Tasting his concoction - he was feeling so terrible that he only took one bite - and no the cookies weren't really that bad.

Lillers showing of her apron... she'll grow into it someday :o)