Friday, December 31, 2010

North Pole Express

A couple of years ago, before either of our children were 2. We went on a Polar Express ride down in Palestine, TX. I wanted to make somewhat of a tradition out of it and since we weren't able to go last year I was determined to go this year! Through some research I found an alternative train ride in Grapevine, TX that was closer, and cheaper for the 4 of us so on the 21st we drove up to spend the evening celebrating all things Christmas!

Prior to the train ride there was a 25 minute stage show which the kids and I loved but Josh could have done without.

Daddy and Roy ready for the show!

Mommy and Lilli ready for the show!

In line to board the train.

Getting settled in our seats on the train!

Lilli was super excited! She couldn't wait to see Santa.

Singing Christmas Carols.

Pausing from the dancing.

Roy's favorite part - getting his ticket punched by the conductor.

Here comes Santa!

Out of dozens of other parents there was only one other mommy and daddy in their pajamas. But we didn't care, who rides to the North Pole without their jammies on? Not us!

What a fun ride!

A sneaky shot of the kids on Santa's lap... unfortunately I am too cheap to pay the $15 to get a picture of them looking at the camera.

On our way back to the car.

After not being able to get a good pic with Santa we tried going to the Bass Pro Shop to find out that to get a "free" pic with Santa we needed to be one of the lucky ones with a Santa pass. Oh well, at least Lilli got a ride on a reindeer out of the trip!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Each year since we've had kids we make the trek out to Meridian to the Radde Tannenbaum Ranch to cut down our very own Christmas tree. The 40 minute drive is completely worth it to us as it's usually our kick off to all things Christmas. On the way out we explain to the kids what we're going to be doing and listen to Christmas carols. On the way back we make sure to sing some of our favorites as a nod to the Griswolds and hope that we don't lose our tree along the way! Occasionally when we have guests for Thanksgiving they get to come along for the adventure. A few years ago my sister joined us for a day in the rain, and this year Nana and Papa (Josh's parents) joined us for a day of perfect tree cutting weather. Here's what our adventure looked like.

hayride out to the trees

nana and papa on the hayride

walking in a winter wonderland... wait is that possible without snow?

we found the perfect tree!

while singing "o christmas tree" roy not so politely requested we stop... apparently he doesn't appreciate a good tune when he hears one


hitting the road in style

excited about the ornament he picked for his ornament exchange at school,
and about his new advent calendar

we made it home!
this is the last year for the camry to make the trip, next year we'll be mini-vanning it.